National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme

What is the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme?

The National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) Scheme is a single national framework for reporting company information about:

Controlling corporations that meet certain thresholds must:

This data informs national policy and program development, as well as how Australia reports internationally.

The Safeguard Mechanism builds on the NGER Scheme. It requires Australia’s highest greenhouse gas emitting facilities to reduce their emissions.

About emissions and energy data

Learn about the data we collect and publish as part of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) Scheme.

Assess your obligations

Find out if you have reporting obligations under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) Scheme.

Reporting support

The 2023–24 NGER reporting period is now open. Reporters can find key information in one place on our support dashboard.

A timelapse picture of an industrial power plant.

Legislative framework

The Act is supported by several legislative instruments. These provide more detail about what a company needs to do under the scheme. Instruments include:

The Measurement Determination is updated each year. Companies should use the version that matches the year they're reporting for. Find out more about amendments to the Determination.

Our role

Under the Act, we collect information from companies about their emissions, energy production and consumption. We only publish this information if it's above the publication threshold.

In administering the NGER Scheme, we also:

We're also responsible for administering the Safeguard Mechanism.

We follow our privacy policy when we collect and share information.